Crash Course in R: A Tidyverse and Language Perspective

Competence with statistical programming languages is an essential skill for experimental psychologists. This *free* series provides an advanced, fast-paced introduction to R, with an emphasis on the Tidyverse, and language-based methods. The primary goal is to teach skills (e.g., data cleaning/wrangling) that are beyond the bounds of traditional statistics courses, but are invaluable when it comes to conducting research.

Course Specs:

  • Crash Course in R
  • R Markdown + ggplot2
  • An Introduction to Text Analysis
  • Scraping Data From the Web + Twitter
  • R Shiny Applications
  • Writing Reproducible Code

The course has 6 core topics.

And 3+ bonus topics. [Coming soon!]

  • Introduction to Data Cleaning in R [NOW AVAILABLE!]
  • Introduction to Data Analysis in R
  • [more to be announced]

Every topic has three main components.

  1. Lecture + R Scripts – Each pre-recorded lecture is ~30-60 minutes, and you can download the R scripts and data associated with each lecture.
  2. Test Yourself! exercise – Each topic comes with an exercise designed to test/apply the concepts and skills you learned in that topic.
  3. Related Resources – For every topic, we’ve curated additional resources to help you deepen your understanding and consult when you run into problems.

*As requested, the course will be available until further notice. Please click “Register Here” to obtain the password to the course.

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